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Climate Compassion Online Training: Awakening, Healing and Action - 6 Sessions Begins October 9th

Climate Compassion Training

For those who are facing planetary crises, whether climate and ecological, war and violence, injustice and oppression, political instability and division . . . this training is designed to support your wellbeing, effectiveness, and inner knowing.

This training offers transformative approaches and skills that you can incorporate into your life and work immediately.

This training might be right for you if:

  • You are facing into our planetary crises (you are aware and willing to take action - may be global or local)

  • You want to integrate your emotional well-being with planetary well-being

  • You are interested in an approach that integrates awakening, healing and action.


  • Get off the treadmill of self-improvement and rest in a recognition of your wholeness

  • Access your innate awareness, compassion and genius

  • Discover simple meditative practices that reveal your essence


  • Learn empowering and effective approaches to working with challenging experiences (burnout, grief, fear, anger, numbness)

  • Deepen in compassion, relieving inner and outer conflict


  • Engage in practices to listen to your inner wisdom for wise action

  • Gain community support and compassionate accountability for taking action

These trainings create a space for community to emerge that is deep, compassionate, joyful and welcoming of all of our parts. In order to support this, I do ask for a few group agreements that you will be expected to adhere to, such as confidentiality, treating each member of our group with respect, showing up on time, and letting me know if you can’t make a session. If this resonates, please continue to register, and contact Lisa with any questions.


Wednesdays, 10am-11:30am Pacific (convert to your time zone)

October 9, 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 13

Suggested fee: $150-240 (or pay what you can)

This series is offered in the spirit of generosity with space reserved for those who may not have access to financial resources. If you have abundance, please pay the full fee. If it’s a struggle for you to pay, then please pay what you can. How to choose your fee on the sliding scale. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Facilitator: Lisa Ferguson, Ph.D. is the founder of Climate Compassion, and has focused on supporting planetary wellbeing as a healing arts practitioner, climate justice activist, organizer and contemplative.  She offers psychospiritual support to activists through one-one sessions and small groups, weaving together a focus on awakening, healing and wise action.

September 25

Free Workshop: Using Parts Work to Respond to Our EcoCrisis (Online, Pacific Time)

October 13

Engaged Nonduality Series