Sliding Scale Guide

Please use this guide to consider how to choose your fee.

If you are truly drawn to participate in Climate Compassion programs, I want you to be able to do so without financial hardship. Please choose a rate that is generous without causing financial strain.

Below are some examples to help you choose your rate.

Full fee

Here are some circumstances where it may be appropriate to pay the full fee:

  • You have your basic needs covered (food, shelter, access to healthcare), and have additional expendable resources for things like vacations, entertainment, personal or professional development (even if you may need to make choices about which things you can spend expendable income on).

  • You are employed or self-employed.

  • You are a professional who is taking this for professional development.

  • You have access to savings, inherited wealth or other resources.

Sliding Scale Reduced Fee

Here are some examples where it may be appropriate to pay the reduced fee:

  • Paying the full fee would cause hardship, e.g., creates a situation where you there is some stress in paying for essentials like food, shelter, and heating.

  • You have limited expendable resources that often go to caring for children, elders or community.

  • You are retired or living on a fixed income, you are living with a disability, or there is some other circumstance that limits your resources.

Need Full Scholarship or Lower Fee

Please reach out if any of these apply to you:

  • You are a student, activist, live in the Global South, or have any circumstance that would make it difficult to participate without a greater fee reduction.

  • Please don’t choose between heating/eating and participating. If you are ready and eager to participate, please reach out - we can work something out.