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Engaged Nonduality Series

Engaged Nonduality Series

Sundays October 13th, 20th, 27th and Saturday November 2nd

9am-11am Pacific Time (convert to your time zone)

John Prendergast, Lisa Ferguson, Jonathan Gustin, Caverly Morgan, Jeremy Lent

October 13th: John Prendergast and Lisa Ferguson: Awakening and Action: Toward an Engaged Nondual Approach

The following events in the series will be hosted by John Prendergast and Lisa Ferguson:
October 20th: Jeremy Lent: From Awakened Heart to a Flourishing Future
October 27th: Jonathan Gustin: Non-dual Responsibility – Exploring Non-duality & the Metacrisis
November 2nd: Caverly Morgan: Acting on Behalf of The Heart of Who We Are

This series weaves nondual awakening and an embodied response to our world in crisis. We are facing intersecting crises of climate breakdown, the potential of ecological and systems collapse, severe injustice and inequality, rising authoritarianism, unaligned tech and AI, and more. The path of nonduality has much to offer in these times, including a deep recognition of our wholeness and shared Being, and opening to the wellspring of our wise response.

While awakening is often engaged in a more personal context, we are expanding the context to include structural harm and systemic crisis, where the rubber hits the road in our world today. This series invites guest presenters to explore how the wisdom of these nondual teachings may be deeply embodied through a response to our world in crisis. These sessions may include guided meditations, group and dyadic inquiry and group interaction.

October 9

Climate Compassion Online Training: Awakening, Healing and Action - 6 Sessions Begins October 9th