Engaged Nonduality

Where Awakening and Action Intersect

Engaged Nonduality is a living inquiry and invitation to explore how the nondual recognition of non-separation is embodied in response to our planetary crises.

At the root of our current polycrisis is a Metacrisis of separation. The nondual teachings are an important contribution to a wise response.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 9th
9am-11am Pacific

Engaged Nonduality: Love in Action

For all current and past events see:

Engaged Nonduality Series


Awakening and Action Presentation (27 minutes)

Lisa Ferguson

A foundational framework from the presentation Awakening and Action: Toward an Engaged Nonduality integrating the domains of awakening, healing and action.

Guided Meditation (18 minutes)

John Prendergast

A meditation inviting us into the Open Heart of Awareness, with an inquiry as to what wants to move through us as a unique expression of this light of awareness without shame, unworthiness or fear.

From the session: Re-Sourcing Ourself in a World in Crisis 2/8/25