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Engaged Nonduality: Attending to a World in Crisis with Awakened Heart (Online)

Engaged Nonduality: Attending to a World in Crisis with Awakened Heart

With John J. Prendergast and Lisa Ferguson

Saturday, September 7th, 9:00am-12:00pm Pacific Time

This online event is an opportunity to turn toward our world in crisis from an awakened heart. Whatever is touching your heart is welcomed, including climate and ecosystem breakdown, war and conflict, injustice and polarization. How is Being moving through us in response? We will explore through meditation, dyadic inquiry, and group interaction what it means to open to our awakened nature, while also being moved by our deepest knowing to respond to our world in crisis. With John Prendergast and Lisa Ferguson

Suggested Donation: $25 to $45
(any amount acceptable, no one turned away for lack of funds)

John J. Prendergast, Ph.D. is the author of The Deep Heart: Our Portal to Presence (2019) and In Touch: How to Tune In to the Inner Guidance of Your Body and Trust Yourself (2015) and is working on a new book entitled Your Deepest Ground: A Guide to Embodied Spirituality (March 2025). He is a retired Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies as well as a retired psychotherapist. He studied with the European sage Jean Klein for many years as well as with Adyashanti who gave dharma transmission to John in August, 2023. John and his wife Christiane offer residential retreats in the United States and Europe.
YouTube channel

Lisa Ferguson, Ph.D. is the founder of Climate Compassion, and has focused on supporting planetary wellbeing as a healing arts practitioner, climate justice activist, organizer and contemplative.  She offers psychospiritual support to activists through one-one sessions and small groups, weaving together a focus on awakening, healing and wise action.

September 15

Engaged Nonduality: Attending to Our World in Crisis (Berkeley, CA, USA)